
    I'm passionate about products manufactured in the U.S. I think it’s outrageous how US companies have turned to China and Mexico to manufacture their products. China is a one party system, a socialist state, a place where a billion people live in repression. The Chinese political system is the polar opposite of ours.  Our founding fathers designed our system out of fear of this kind of political structure and here we are supporting the Chinese way with our hard earned American dollars. The Mexican government negotiates very low labor rates behind the backs of their hard working populace in order to bring in foreign investment. That isn't free enterprise. That's socialism. How hypocritical of the leaders of US companies to team up with socialist countries to make their products.
    The result of all this outsourcing has been the loss of good American manufacturing jobs and the many support jobs associated with a manufacturing plant. We have been flooded with  "psuedo" products, made under substandard working conditions in countries with repressed populations. It doesn't matter where it's made, but it matters how it is made. I want to buy products made by free workers in a whole system. I think a better product is produced when the entire process from raw product in, to finished product out, is done under the overseeing eye of a passionate and disciplined owner or leader.
   Such a leader is Anthony Maglica.  The Maglite flashlight is still made in the U.S.A. We need to follow leaders like Mr. Maglica for a return to a strong U.S. manufacturing economy. As consumers we need to vote on this horrible outsourcing trend, with our wallets. There should be no product, no product category that is absolutely given away to foreign manufacturers. How quickly the titans of American industry, the GEs, the GMs, the Proctor and Gambles, the monoliths, the megas, turned to the Chinese and Mexican governments to handle the manufacturing of their products. As recently as the late eighties many tools and appliances were still made here, and made well. Now if I want a well made kitchen appliance, say a crockpot, I go to a garage sale and look for American-made. It's easy to see and feel the difference in such an appliance. They were built to practically last a lifetime.
    Today it seems that  every electric tool, every cooking and baking appliance, every piece of lawn and garden equipment is made off US shores. This is a terrible practice started and continued by slivers of men, little bitty narrow greedy men that can't see the America beyond the gates of their mansions. We're still out here, American inventors and dreamers and workers and we are designing and looking for American products made by American workers in American Factories utilizing American Engineering and benefiting the whole of America..